Hot Dog! Tips for Keeping Your Canine Cool.

It’s hot out there and those of us with doggy dependents need to think more about how to keep them cool in this heat. Dogs don’t regulate their temperature by sweating like humans so it’s extra important to help them.

Keep Hydration levels high

Not only ensure that your dog’s water bowl is kept nice and full but when out on walks why not take a bottle of water for them too! When you get home from a long walk dogs like treats too so why not make up a frozen ice pops for your dog in summer.  There are lots of lovely healthy recipes online – and a lot are human friendly too – sharing is caring!!

Keep Walkies Cool

Sometimes humans are not aware that concrete paths / tar on roads etc. get extremely hot – by walking your dog at cooler parts of the day you can help keep your dog from overheating and protect their footpads. Try to keep dogs indoors as much as possible when the sun is at its hottest. For fun why not invest in a small paddling pool for your pooch?

Did you know you can get Sunscreen for Dogs?

Some breeds of dogs can burn just as easily as us humans so it makes sense to protect your dog with a sunscreen just as you would do yourself. There are various sunscreens on the market developed especially for your dog but you could also use ones normally designed for humans – choose fragrance free, sensitive skin ones and be sure they don’t include zinc oxide and para-aminobenzoic acid as these ingredients are toxic to dogs if they ingest them. It’s a good idea to ask you vet if you think your dog could benefit.

​Never leave dogs alone in enclosed spaces or rooms

Never leave a dog in a car for even a few minutes and be aware that rooms in houses like conservatories and sheds /greenhouses can heat up faster than you think and can be very dangerous for dogs and indeed other pets left at home during hot days.

Don’t forget all the homeless doggies out there this summer. Animal charities report that they get a very high number of calls over the summer for animals that have suffered overexposure to the sun.

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